Royal Vegas Poker by Microgaming
Royal Vegas Poker offers a number of exciting, fast-paced, and traditional poker games. Whether you are playing against 9 other people, one-on-one, or entering a tournament, you'll have all of your favorite poker games to choose from.
For the debutant Poker Players, you'll find all of the game rules, complete with a terminology dictionary, and tips for increasing your chances of winning. Even the veterans may find this useful to brush up a little on their skills!
Lou Krieger Host of
Royal Vegas Poker and Co-author of "Poker for Dummies".
"Fast cash-ins, top security, and excellent service - I can confidently recommend
Royal Vegas Poker. Ready to experience all this? Download & play!"
"Real" card room experience
Royal Vegas Poker games and software are full of exciting and stunning animations and graphics - you'll really feel like you are sitting at a card room in Las Vegas!
With the cards being dealt, players betting & folding, chips moving into the pot, and the winning player collecting his chip, you'll feel like its real!
The betting action is easy to follow. Clear chip placement for calling, raising, re-raising and capping, descriptive dealer text, active players lighting-up, chatting, and sound effects all combine to make for fantastic betting action.
Real or for Fun
Feel like experimenting a little, or learn the intricacies of the game? Then play as a Guest player with virtual money. It'll give you the time you to need to get acquainted with the site, and the games before you start playing for Real.
Real play is when we get serious! Simply deposit your money into your casino account and start playing with the best of them.
Royal Vegas Poker has some of the best poker room action in the world! With non-stop, 24-hour poker action against real people from around the world, you'll never be bored!
Royal Vegas Poker